Based on 2024 OR Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official OR Permit Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Oregon Driver's License
Oregon Driver's License

Are you ready to get your Oregon learner license? First, you have to pass the knowledge test. The OR learner permit exam can be a real challenge, but preparing for it is easy with our Oregon practice permit test.

The test features 40 multiple-choice questions that cover a variety of driving laws in the Oregon driver’s handbook. The practice test has been designed to give you a feel for what the Oregon DMV test will be like and help you identify what areas you should focus on.

Additional features of our OR Practice Permit Test include:

  • Instant Feedback – With the Oregon practice permit test, you get access to explanations right away. You’ll learn while quizzing yourself and understand why your answers are right or wrong.
  • Performance Tracking – As you’re moving from question to question, our color-coded progress tracker automatically shows you how well you are doing at a glance. You’ll instantly know which questions you’ve answered correctly and how far you’ve progressed.
  • Unlimited Attempts – You can take the quiz as many times as you need to. After each attempt, we shuffle the questions to keep you engaged and learning. It’s like taking a new test every time.
  • Oregon Specific Questions – We know all about Oregon’s driving laws which means you get the latest and most accurate state specific questions.
  • Score Sharing – When you’ve finished our test, why not share your score with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

Why wait? Let our practice tests provide you with the information you need to succeed today.

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