Based on 2024 OR Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official OR Motorcycle Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Oregon Driver's License
Oregon Driver's License

Why practice with this Oregon Motorcycle Practice Test? Because it contains 25 expert-written questions all presented in a format similar to the official exam.

More About the OR Motorcycle Practice Test

The test contains 25 multiple choice questions that come from the content of the Oregon Motorcycle Operator’s Manual. This manual is also the source for the questions that appear on the official state exam that you will take at the Oregon DMV.

To further help you prepare for that test at the DMV, we have formatted this practice test like the real thing. To help you make the most of your study time we have also added several bonus features, including:

  • Instant feedback to let you know the answer to any questions you miss
  • A performance tracker to let you know your score as you go through the test
  • Unlimited attempts so you can take the test as many times as necessary to learn the content
  • Score sharing so you can let others know your score
  • And much more

What Types of Questions Are on the Test

What four things should a rider do before he or she begins a trip? What three pieces of safety equipment are recommended for all riders to wear? These are examples of the questions you’ll find on the test. You may also find questions on additional subjects like maneuvering in traffic, passing vehicles, stopping quickly, riding in bad weather and more.

Remember, you can take this test as many times as necessary to learn the content. Once you learn the content you will be ready to take the official exam and receive your license which will entitle you to ride your motorcycle on Oregon’s scenic roads.

Oregon is considered to have one of the very best collections of motorcycle roads in the country thanks to its diverse scenery which includes everything from the breath-taking shores of the Pacific Ocean to the majestic peaks of the Cascade Mountains to the awe-inspiring Columbia River basic to the arid lands cut by deep river canyons in the east part of the state.

Take our practice test know to gauge your motorcycle knowledge.

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