Based on 2024 MN Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official MN Permit Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Minnesota Driver's License
Minnesota Driver's License

Before the state of Minnesota will issue you a permit, you will need to pass the written permit test. But before you rush off to the nearest DVS office it’s essential that you prepare for the exam.  With 70% of first-time test takers routinely failing the test every year, it’s time to set yourself apart.

MN Practice Permit Test Details

Our Minnesota practice permit test is a fantastic study tool designed to help you begin getting the practice you need.  The practice test has the same multiple-choice format as the actual permit test and covers some of the same topics.  You get 40 questions and need to answer at least 32 correctly in order to receive a passing score.  Correctly answered questions will allow you progress to the next question.  Incorrectly answered questions will be shown in red along with an explanation designed to give you immediate feedback

The permit test doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Start preparing now!

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