Based on 2024 FL Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official FL Motorcycle Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Florida Driver's License
Florida Driver's License

Concerned whether you are ready to pass the Florida motorcycle test? Our Florida Motorcycle Practice Test 4 will help ensure you are prepared to pass. It contains 25 questions taken from the Florida Motorcycle Operator’s Manual, which is the same resource covered by the real test at the Florida DMV.  This test allows you to study smarter not harder. In addition to containing content similar to the real test, this practice test is also:

  • Easy to use: You can take it on your computer, phone or tablet
  • Flexible: You can study at your own pace and take it an unlimited number of times
  • Challenging: The questions are all written by experts
  • Informative: You get the right answer for each question so you can learn as you go

The test is also formatted like the real test so you can get used to the experience of sitting for the real thing. Then on test day you won’t be stressed wondering what is coming, you’ll already know.

Complete Coverage of the Manual

This Florida practice test will help you master the topics you need to know, from safe motorcycle operation, to riding in a group, to wearing the right safety gear, to how to ride on slippery surfaces, to how to stop quickly and much, much more.

Do you know how to recognize fatigue and what to do if you feel tired while riding? Do you know how long it takes for the alcohol from one drink to be eliminated from your body?

Discover the answers to questions like these on this practice test. You won’t find a better way to prepare for the real test.

Florida is filled with bright, sunny weather that is great for motorcycle riding and with the Florida Keys and thousands of miles of coastal highways it also offers amazing natural beauty.

To find out if you are ready to earn your license and get out and experience all that Florida has to offer motorcycle riders, take our practice test now.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 4 votes.