Based on 2024 DE Drivers manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official DE Permit Practice Tests: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Delaware Driver's License
Delaware Driver's License

Are You Ready for the Delaware Permit Test?

Before you can become a legally licensed driver in the state of Delaware, you will need to pass the written permit test.  With the majority of people failing the test the first time they take it, it’s vital that you prepare for the test.

Start preparing for test now by by taking our free Delaware practice permit test.  Practice tests are an important resource for anyone looking to get a feel for the real exam.  Unsure about what type of material will be covered on the exam? Want to get a better feel for the test format? Our free Delaware practice permit test can help.

The practice test contains 40 multiple-choice questions with 4 possible answers. Correct answers will be shown in green while incorrect answers are shown in red.  Answer a question correctly and you’ll move on to the next questions. Answer incorrectly and you’ll get immediate feedback with a brief explanation to help you on your next attempt.

It’s time to prepare for success.  Good luck!

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