Based on 2024 AL Drivers manual

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Official AL Permit Practice Tests: What to Expect
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Alabama Driver's License
Alabama Driver's License

In order to pass the state written permit test that you will take at a local Alabama Department of Public Safety (DPS) office you need to have a good understanding of not just Alabama’s road rules and driving regulations but also of its road signs and their meanings. We have created this Alabama road signs practice test to help you improve your knowledge of road signs. We have included questions on warning signs, informational signs, guide signs, emergency signs and regulatory signs on this practice test.

What to Expect On The Practice Test

On this Alabama road signs test, you will find 25 multiple choice questions and you will need to answer at least 20 of them correctly in order to pass. The questions are taken directly from information found in the Alabama drivers handbook. As you proceed through the test, our system will tell you after you answer each question whether your answer is right or wrong. You will also be given a detailed explanation as to why a specific answer is correct. You can take the test an unlimited number of times to ensure you learn all the content. Also, each time you retake the test the questions will be randomly reordered to create a new test experience for you. Finally, like all the other practice exams on, this 2021 Alabama road signs permit practice test is completely free! So don’t delay, take it now.

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